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Generative AI
Intelligence Artificielle
Our innovative approach enables organizations to manage the complexity and risk of continuous change at an ever-increasing speed. With a focus on automation from the very outset, it ensures full end-to-end quality of their business processes across the complete application landscape.
Bringing together our passion for quality with our drive to create the best value from existing and future technology, our Gen AI Amplifier optimizes end-to-end quality engineering within your SAP S/4HANA migration journey today. The Gen AI Amplifier delivers a step-up in trust, quality, and speed throughout the development lifecycle, turning month long tasks into weeks, week long tasks into days, and hour long tasks into just minutes.
Neste’s SAP Platform Cloud Migration with Sogeti
Outokumpu’s Testing Journey in a Large Scale Transformation
A top European automotive manufacturer transformed its testing processes by integrating SAP S/4HANA
What’s next?
Option 1
Book an innovation workshop
Our Innovation Workshops have been designed to inspire clients with opportunities for improving quality and testing activities in their SAP environments. This 2-3 hour interactive workshop prepares client-specific approaches for delivering innovative SAP Business Assurance solutions.
Option 2
Book a consultation
Test automation is crucial for SAP Business Assurance, with many options available. Our SMEs have experience with major providers, offering advice on the best tool chain depending on your unique requirements. We start with a Proof of Value in the client environment to get evidence of the fit of a pre-selected technology solution.
So, wherever you are on your SAP transformation journey, book your place today!
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As organizations increasingly shift their SAP platform to S/4HANA, it becomes crucial to guarantee smooth business operations during these transformations.
As digital technologies rapidly evolve, organizations embrace SAP S/4HANA and other SAP products for accelerated digital transformation, ensuring efficient operations and riding the wave of digitalization.
Preparing test scenarios is always a conscious and intricate activity. End-to-end testing emphasizes this even further.
Global Leader Quality Engineering & Testing, Sogeti
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Vice President, Quality Engineering & Testing Practice Lead
VP, Practice Leader, Quality Engineering
Program Manager | SAP CoE lead | Sogeti QE & T Practice
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