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June 29, 2021
The special 25th anniversary edition of Capgemini’s World Wealth Report (WWR) examines the global HNWI population and wealth growth dynamics, shifting digital-era expectations, asset allocation trends, and investor opinions about fees, hybrid advisory services, and existing offerings. Discover how investing in talent and technology to provide hybrid advisory services is critical to capture customer mindshare in today’s wealth management landscape.
Find dynamic graphs to explore HNWI data and trends across: market sizing of the HNWI population and wealth; HNWI asset and geographic allocations; and HNWI behavior across six regions.
Unprecedented stock market gains in key markets drove robust HNWI wealth growth by the end of 2020, with North America surpassing Asia-Pacific after five years.
Building omnichannel capabilities across the self-service and human advisory spectrum will prepare wealth management firms for the two possible future scenarios: the end of the current bull market or its continuation.
Success within a shifting industry will be contingent upon the willingness to push traditional wealth management frontiers and embrace new-age competencies.
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