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Generative AI
Intelligence Artificielle
February 26, 2019
Quality and its perception can either assemble armies of fans and followers or send you back to the drawing board. But just how correlated is quality assurance and customer experience?
In its 10th edition, the report confirms a fundamental shift in business expectations with quality and its impact on customer experience. Demands for quality at speed and shift-left have placed the onus of ensuring end-user satisfaction on quality assurance teams. A sizable majority of 1700 respondents across 10 sectors and from 32 countries have confirmed this.
With customer experience ambitions set for QA teams, the adoption of artificial intelligence and automation to optimize software testing is inevitable. We believe this transformation will dramatically alter the QA and testing skills landscape. New roles like AI QA strategists, Data scientists, and AI test experts will be introduced within QA teams.
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