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Intelligence Artificielle
February 26, 2019
The digital economy drives an unforgiving marketplace at high speed. Your stakeholders interact in moments of truth through a network of devices and apps. A contextual micro-moment is enough for market leaders to fall from grace. Can this obsession with speed dilute the qualitative approach?
In the 9th edition of the World Quality Report, there is evidence that your peers are learning to strike the balance. Up to 41% of its sample shows a return to the main objectives of QA & Testing – to improve the overall quality of processes, products and software. Call it mean-reversion or historic recurrence: the leaders are going back to basics.
For more on the state of QA & Testing, download your copy of the World Quality Report 2017-18.
World Quality Report 2017-18: Key Findings
World Quality Report 2017-18: Key Recommendations
Current trends in QA & Testing
Click here to download the World Quality Report 2017-2018
IoT, mobile technology and third-party relationships escalate testing complexity
More than 1600 technology leaders from 33 countries were interviewed for the World Quality Report 2017-18. Only 6% don’t include Digital Transformation in their plans.
The transformation is clearly underway, but not without its complexity.
Security issues, mobile apps, smart products and conversational commerce: IT has got a lot on its plate already. The Digital Transformation section of the report shows how QA & Testing is doing its bit.
Agile and DevOps transformation continues to put pressure on QA
Silicon Valley cult to mainstream adoption – the evolution of agile and DevOps is nothing short of a surreal, coming of age story. A very small proportion (4%) has stayed off agile adoption, to quote the World Quality Report 2017-18. But 99% name difficulties with testing in agile.
To be fair, agile teams expect a sense of continuity with their waterfall experience. Enter hybrid frameworks – an uneasy blend of agile and waterfall, subject to the complexity of business asks.
As an eye-opener, the Agile and DevOps section of the report highlights the shortcomings and successes of such approaches in a context of digital transformation.
On the way to smart, intelligent, and cognitive QA
Automation tools are able to scan code like ninjas on a mission. They help to detect and shrink unproductive delays between coding and defect detection at attractive long-term ROI. But incremental efficiency gains are only just 20th century!
Smart test automation must go beyond and sweat your investments to meet broader business objectives. It’s worrying, then, that QA and Testing is not quite the automation nation you’d expect it to be.
The Automation section of the World Quality Report 2017-18 takes stock of the situation.
How test centers of excellence adapt to the digital era
The shift was rather progressive, but digital quality assurancehas become the domain of agile teams – if not entirely, at least in substantial measure.
The Industrialization section of the World Quality Report 2017-18 will explain what that means for the test center of the future.
Agile and DevOps will replace traditional TCOEs with decentralized operations. A Test Excellence Center will support these by providing expertise, resources and test environments.
Test environments and test data continue to be the Achilles heel for QA and testing
Through Digital Transformation, software has clearly been positioned in the core of everything businesses do. Where does that leave traditional practices of managing test data and environments?
Why do more than half of the respondents of the World Quality Report 2017-18 struggle with the size of test data sets? Which part represents the most significant challenge with managing environments?
Answers to these questions and the way forward with test data and environment management can be found in the Test Data Management section of the report.
Budgets in flux as changes sweep through testing
According to the World Quality Report 2017-18, 26% of total IT is spent on quality. This represents a drop of 5% over 2016 and 9% over 2015.
At the same time, 68% say they have seen a spike in IT budget spent on QA and testing over the last four years. That number is higher than the 63% in 2016.
Download the report and read the QA and Testing Budgets section to decode the dichotomy.
Download the region-specific analysis here:
Click here to read the Press Release: Quality Assurance must shift to smarter solutions
Global Marketing & Communications Director
Global Leader Quality Engineering & Testing, Sogeti
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