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Generative AI
Intelligence Artificielle
October 26, 2021
The new age digital customer is connected and demands information at his fingertips. Companies have to respond to the digital landscape with superior products and enhanced customer service. Quality Assurance and Testing will help companies to adapt to the digital revolution by reducing time-to-market, increasing security, performance and customer satisfaction.
This eighth edition of the World Quality Report illustrates the impact of trends like Internet of Things, where organizations seek to disrupt with digital at an ever faster pace when it comes to Quality Assurance (QA) and Testing function, which is increasingly required to transform into a business enabler and secure client value from Digital Transformation programs.
This year’s research was conducted among 1,600 CIOs and IT and testing leaders from 32 countries across the globe. It reveals a shifting set of primary objectives for the QA and Testing function compared with last year. It’s a change that reflects a desire to stay close to the essential objective of testing, which is to prevent serious defects from reaching production, but always related to the higher objectives of customer value and business outcomes.
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Marketing & Communications Director, Nordics
Global Leader Quality Engineering & Testing, Sogeti
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