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Intelligence Artificielle
October 14, 2024
Life insurers today face declining penetration rates in mature markets. Many consumers are at best only mildly interested in traditional life insurance products, and the industry is struggling to meet new and more challenging life insurance customer experience expectations – with legacy technology being a major barrier to driving meaningful change.
The World Life Insurance Report 2025 reflects the views of 6,186 life insurance customers in 18 countries, as well as insights from interviews with 213 leading life insurance company executives across 16 markets; both of these research initiatives gathered inputs from all regions of the globe – the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.
Our report’s life insurance industry analysis suggests that only a small group of life insurers globally – five percent1 – are delivering quantifiably outstanding customer experience (CX) and achieving “best-in-class” status. To get on board, key findings recommend the balance of mainstream life insurers need to:
Our analysis shows that best-in-class insurers go beyond developing advanced capabilities – they effectively translate these into measurable business outcomes. They consistently outperform mainstream insurers by achieving higher customer satisfaction, lowering operational costs, and driving stronger revenue growth than the industry, demonstrating their ability to convert enhanced customer experiences into tangible business success.
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