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Intelligence Artificielle
May 14, 2020
As digital adoption is now mainstream across generations and willingness to purchase insurance from BigTechs is increasing, the World Insurance Report 2020 from Capgemini and Efma explores the changing trust equation between insurers and customers, and how insurance companies can use hyper-personalization to address it.
Almost everyone is digital
Digital adoption is no longer a function of age but has become mainstream across generations. All age groups today rely more on friends and digital channels than traditional sources to learn and buy.
The new trust equation
Today, customers place more trust in their research for purchasing an insurance policy. In addition, they are open to buying insurance from non-traditional firms.
Hyper-personalized engagement
As customer behavior and preferences evolve, there is a glaring need for insurers to transform to experience-led engagement approach.
An evolutionary success path
The sweeping behavioral shift – evident across all age groups – is not a change, but an evolution of preferences that demands immediate action from insurance firms.
World Insurance Report 2020 Webcast
Join us on May 19 from 2 to 3 pm CET for an exclusive presentation on the World Insurance Report 2020 by Capgemini and Efma. Learn how digital adoption across generations has created a new trust equation between insurers and customers, find out how insurance companies can use hyper-personalization to address it, and hear about accelerating the adoption of Digital Acquisition and Digital Direct Distribution.Click here to register.
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