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Intelligence Artificielle
May 05, 2020
No longer banking industry disruptors, BigTechs and challenger banks have opened a Pandora’s box of sky-high customer expectations. But banks can still thrive by transforming into inventive banks. The World FinTech Report 2020 from Capgemini and Efma explores how effective collaboration between inventive banks and mature FinTechs can help fill in the gaps from the front to the back office to deliver a meaningful customer and user experience.
Consumer expectations are high, guided by stellar experience from BigTechs and challenger banks. To catch up with these non-traditional players, incumbents must embrace Open X and become Inventive Banks, with collaborative support from qualified FinTech partners.
Substantial front-end investments by banks have failed to offer seamless and personalized CX. An engaging front-end requires robust and enabling back-end operations.
Collaboration at scale towards industrialized innovation requires a structured approach. A sharp focus on business outcomes will help both banks and FinTechs move from open innovation (proof of concept) to applied innovation (innovation industrialization). Act now. Act together. Act at scale.
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