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April 20, 2020
Global consumer sentiment research in the consumer products and retail industry.
Every crisis harbors an opportunity, and this health emergency is no different. As we wait for COVID-19 to go away, we have the opportunity to reflect upon ways to make the world a better place. That’s why the Capgemini Research Institute is releasing a series of research notes with pragmatic guidance on how organizations can take action on the things that matter in the wake of COVID-19.
Last week, we focussed on how organizations could bring their supply chains back on track. This time, for The consumer and COVID-19: Global consumer sentiment research in the consumer products and retail industry, we examine how consumer products and retail organizations can drive operational resilience and maintain their pre-crisis focus on customer relationships and engagement in a fast-changing, dynamic environment that has fundamentally disrupted traditional shopping behavior.
In early April, we surveyed more than 11,000 consumers worldwide and found that appetite for online shopping has never been bigger, and will continue to grow once this health emergency subsides. Nevertheless, consumers will still expect safer in-store and last-mile practices. In addition, a majority (over 53%) will look for companies that embody a sense of purpose and have strong sustainability credentials.
Technology may help consumer products and retail organizations in the recover and relaunch phases, but it is only by understanding societal sentiments and giving importance to a greater purpose and sustainability that these organizations will ultimately come out stronger. For more information on the subject of global consumer sentiment research in the consumer products and retail industry, contact us. Most importantly, be well and focus on what matters to you.
For more information on the subject of remote work contact us. Most importantly, be well and focus on what matters to you.
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