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Generative AI
Intelligence Artificielle
June 24, 2021
SAP customers are in the midst of two major transformations: moving to S/4HANA and migrating to the cloud. A ground breaking new report from Tricentis, Capgemini, and Sogeti shows whose testing strategies are up to the challenges ahead.
Report underlines the importance of a business assurance strategy for SAP.
The report is the result of a comprehensive assessment of organizations’ existing status, planned strategies, challenges, and expectations related to SAP implementation and testing. It draws on desk-based research, a quantitative global survey of 759 respondents from large-scale organizations, and a series of expert interviews.
Most SAP customers are currently in the midst of two major migrations. One is a deployment migration challenge: the move from on-prem to the cloud. The other is a technology challenge: moving from ECC to S/4HANA. The report explores in-depth, how well SAP clients are prepared to manage an unprecedented level of change in their SAP environment and how SAP business assurance strategies have evolved to accommodate a new pace of innovation.
The report:
1 PDF (15 MB)
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