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Intelligence Artificielle
August 18, 2020
Welcome to the 2020 State of Performance Engineering report, a joint Sogeti and Neotys report.
Performance engineering is a crucial enabler of business success. Yet there is little data available to enterprises to help them understand current performance engineering practices and how other organizations are managing them.
This report is designed to offer insight and best practices to all stakeholders in your organization dealing with application performance, including: executives, business and product owners, architects, developers, quality assurance engineers, tool coordinators, infrastructure engineers, and system administrators.
Chapter 1 is for executive leadership responsible for setting the direction and culture of the company. They need compelling reasons to drive transformative change. We examine how application performance is valued and and what is its impact is on the business.
Chapter 2 lifts the veil on some of the key organisational components in building a performance-first culture.
Chapter 3 covers some of the building blocks and fundamental capabilities of performance engineering. Through a variety of use cases, we review why they play a significant role in achieving the mission.
Chapter 4 dives deeper into the underlying technical foundation and necessary integration as we start to incorporate performance engineering in the lifecycle.
Chapter 5 investigates the likely evolution of performance engineering.
For more insights and findings, download the report now.
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