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Generative AI
Intelligence Artificielle
May 12, 2022
Part of the Modern App Development and Enterprise DevOps Series.
Are Enterprise DevOps environments increasingly becoming more vulnerable? As this new Ebook from Microsoft and Sogeti points out, nefarious and creative hackers are shifting left as the DevOps attack surface proves an increasingly attractive target for them.
In Securing Enterprise DevOps Environments, we discover why it is no longer enough for enterprise security to focus solely on building and maintaining secure applications.
CSOs, IT directors and DevOps team leads must now extend the security scope to encompass three attack surfaces in order to protect the application development and maintenance lifecycle:
Our Ebook explores ways to secure all three surfaces without limiting business, and it considers the impact of new remote working approaches that have seen an exponential growth in employees connecting from vulnerable Wi-Fi networks. Read about real life ‘hacks’ and our recommendations for mitigating similar events in your Enterprise DevOps environment.
For more insights and findings, download the Ebook below.
1 PDF (9 MB)
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