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September 27, 2023
Greater investment in digital government enablers .
How citizen centric are Europe’s eGovernment services? The latest European Commission eGovernment Benchmark report reveals that 93% of European government websites are now mobile friendly, yet web content accessibility remains a challenge.
As the EU’s Digital Decade advances, the European Commission’s annual eGovernment Benchmark report – produced by Capgemini, Sogeti, IDC and Politecnico di Milano – captures government digital transformation progress in 2021 and 2022, during a crucial time of societal and economic turmoil. It observes remarkable growth in the maturity of government digital services in several countries and an upswing in the use of key enablers, such as electronic identification (eID) and digital mailbox solutions. Find out which countries are leading the digital charge and who is lagging behind in the delivery of human-centered eGovernment services.
This is the 20th edition of the Commission’s eGovernment Benchmark report, the EC’s annual analysis of digital government through the eyes of citizens and entrepreneurs. It gives a clear picture of how well the European Union is progressing with its ambitious Digital Decade policy program that aims to make key public services in Europe available 100% online by 2030.
Monitoring eGovernment in 35 European countries, including the 27 European Union Member States, the latest eGovernment Benchmark measured digital services for specific user groups. The report reveals that there is still some way to go to achieve Europe’s digital ambition in certain areas.
For example, while 84% of services for national users in Europe are fully online, only 49% of services for cross-border users are similarly available. Further, we discover that businesses enjoy better online government services than citizens.
The report also questions whether online services are truly being designed with users in mind, noting that only 74% of citizens interact online with the government.
These findings are the result of a benchmarking exercise assessing Europe’s government digital transformation progress along the following four dimensions – in order of maturity:
To achieve the ambitions of Europe’s Digital Decade, European governments are urged to bridge the three gaps identified by the eGovernment Benchmark between: cross-border users and national users; citizens and entrepreneurs; and local & regional governments and central governments.
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