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May 27, 2020
Capgemini is delighted to have been positioned as a leader in Gartner’s 2019 Magic Quadrant for Managed Workplace Services (MWS), Europe.
Gartner evaluated the completeness of vision and ability to execute of more than 15 service providers that offer managed workplace services in Europe.
We are confident that our extended workplace solutions portfolio and prowess in automation capabilities was recognized by Gartner in the Magic Quadrant.
“We are delighted to be positioned as a Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Managed Workplace Services for the first time. Today attracting and retaining talent requires organizations to step up and offer a more flexible working environment to its employees. Capgemini’s best-in-class digital services empower its clients with an enhanced workspace to ensure their employees are well connected with each other, their clients and support services, in order to operate in a more productive and flexible way.”
Jean-Philippe Bol, CEO of Cloud Infrastructure Services and member of the Group Executive Board, Capgemini
Download the report to learn more about the Managed Workplace Services provider landscape, and how you can leverage Capgemini’s Connected Employee Experience capabilities in your business.
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