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March 02, 2015
Sogeti Germany GmbH will celebrate its anniversary on March 1st
Düsseldorf, 02/03/2015 – Sogeti Germany GmbH celebrates its anniversary on 1st of March: The local oriented service provider looks back on fifteen years of business success together with over 350 employees. Since 1/3/2000 Sogeti has occupied the market niche “software testing and quality assurance” on the German market with ongoing success.
Sogeti Germany’s customers are well-known large companies from all sectors. Sogeti supports them in implementing a structured test approach, the optimization of test processes, test management, and test execution – even for current trends such as security testing, cloud, mobility and agility.
“Sogeti Germany is well set up for the increasing globally oriented testing market which is more and more in demand by our German clients. We rely on our own nearshore and offshore delivery capabilities for our projects,” says Maarten Galesloot, Chief Executive Officer. “Together with Capgemini, Sogeti has created the world’s largest test area for innovative, business-driven processes for quality assurance and testing services in 2012 with over 12,300 test experts and 14,500 other application specialists worldwide,” he continues. “Beyond that, Sogeti is amongst others the co-editor of the annual IT study World Quality Report with specific information on trends and developments in the German IT and QA market.”
Read the original press release (In German): Sogeti Deutschland GmbH feiert 15-jähriges Firmenjubiläum
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