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November 30, 2016
Experts in supporting clients to craft their digital enterprises, Sogeti help create world class customer and employee experiences e.g through solid mobile solutions. Today Sogeti celebrates its 50th certification for mobile apps though its certification program Appcademy.
November 30, 2016, Paris, France – Companies and organizations face the challenge to create and maintain their apps with high quality. In many cases, apps have been created by non-IT or inexperienced players that has very low knowledge in software architecture, structured development and high quality testing and cybersecurity measures. This increases the risk for low quality apps that can hurt a brand more than build it, and such apps are also hard and expensive to maintain over time.
Appcademy and Appitecture behind high quality appsTo support the speedy implementation of solid and high quality mobile solutions that perform well and that are easy to maintain, Sogeti has created its global framework Appitecture. Appitecture consist of architecture and development guidelines, sample apps with source code for the most important platforms (iOS, Android, Windows, Xamarin, HTML5) checklists for project startup and app store submission, templates for documenting architecture and requirements. To ensure high quality and knowledge sharing Sogeti also created a certification process under the name of Appcademy. It consists of a kit of e-learning sessions. At the end of the training the attendee builds an app according to the guidelines and when approved gets certified. All apps are shared within the Appcademy and Sogeti app communities worldwide.
“Considering the fact that the companies behind the major mobile platforms (Apple and Google) do not offer any certifications for building apps with their tools, we put together Appcademy, our training and certification program for app developers. We are proud to announce that we now have 50 certified and highly skilled Appcademy experts helping clients all over the world build world class mobile apps”, commented Christian Forsberg, Global Digital Lead Architect and the man behind Appcademy and Appitecture.
For more information please visit:
About SogetiSogeti is a leading provider of technology and engineering services. Sogeti delivers solutions that enable digital transformation and offers cutting-edge expertise in Cloud, Cybersecurity, Digital Manufacturing, Quality Assurance & Testing, and emerging technologies. Sogeti combines agility and speed of implementation with strong technology supplier partnerships, world class methodologies and its global delivery model, Rightshore®. Sogeti brings together more than 25,000 professionals in 15 countries, based in over 100 locations in Europe, USA and India. Sogeti is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cap Gemini S.A., listed on the Paris Stock Exchange.
Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini.
Global Digital Lead Architect/Global Appcademy Lead
Marketing & Communications Director, Nordics
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