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Generative AI
Intelligence Artificielle
September 30, 2015
Discuss your cybersecurity challenges with our team of cybersecurity experts at Les Assises de la Sécurité where Capgemini & Sogeti have a booth.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 12:45 PM – Saturday, October 3, 2015 3:00 PM
The number of cyber attacks is rising but don’t let it stop you from achieving full digital transformation securely and confidently. With our cybersecurity services, you can understand how to define and implement the right strategies to leverage SMACT technologies whilst staying compliant and protected.
Les Assises de la sécurité gathers 2,300 professionals and 1,200 end-users this year and celebrates its 15th edition. All market players will be present to network, learn about cybersecurity trends and find out about the latest acceleration tools available. Renowned speakers will share quality content in a high-end environment.
Meet our cybersecurity experts at Booth 101.
Keynote: Best-in-Class CISOs. What do they do?
Friday 2 October, 9am CET, AuditoriumFranck Greverie, Corporate VP Cybersecurity
What makes a best in class CISO and how can they create the right level of security for their organizaton? Capgemini Global Head of Cybersecurity Franck Greverie will answer this question alongside Jean Paul Mazoyer from Credit Agricole as a guest speaker.
Workshop: Are monitoring solutions really secure?
Wednesday 30 September, 4pm CETArnauld Mascret, Research engineer
A persistent and clever hacker can penetrate an enterprise’s information system even when protection solutions are in place. That’s why it is essential to install and operate a monitoring system. New solutions to detect intrusions are constantly being offered. But these solutions, which require privileges to access information systems and critical data, can also have vulnerabilities. Therefore they are an open door for attackers.In order to better assess the risk, we will present results from a number of studies on the security of monitoring solutions, such as sandboxes and forensic software. We will discuss the relevance of integrity for Security Operations Centers.
Fancy a drink?
Meet us for a casual drink and discuss your challenges with our experts to share ideas on solutions.
Date: 1st OctoberTime: From 5pmLocation: Booth 101FREE EVENT
Global Head of Cybersecurity Services
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