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January 26, 2022
… with position in the 2022 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index.
Paris, January 26, 2022 – Capgemini Group today announced that it is one of 418 companies across 45 countries and regions to be listed in the 2022 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI), a modified market capitalization-weighted index[1] that aims to track the performance of public companies committed to transparency in gender-data reporting. This reference index measures gender equality across five pillars: female leadership and talent pipeline, equal pay and gender pay parity, inclusive culture, anti-sexual harassment policies, and pro-women brand.
Capgemini continues to make strong progress in the representation and progression of women at all levels of the organization. This is a result of its ambitious program focused on improving female representation in recruitment and promotions, providing mentoring opportunities, and supporting women at key moments in their professional and personal lives. Capgemini’s position in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index illustrates the Group’s commitment to establishing a diverse, inclusive and hybrid work environment, where all talents, are offered equal opportunities to thrive. This is reaffirmed in Capgemini’s new ESG policy announced in December 2021, with objectives to reach 40% of women in its teams and 30% in executive leadership positions by 2025.
“We are honored to be a member of the 2022 Gender Equality Index. We believe that women and men have an equal role to play in shaping the future of the digital economy, whether in technology, business, and driving successful client relationships,” said Shobha Meera, Chief CSR Officer at Capgemini and member of the Group Executive Committee. “As such, gender equality is central to our long-term success and we are committed to becoming the company of choice for women working in the digital sector.”
“We are proud to recognize Capgemini and the other 417 companies included in the 2022 GEI for their commitment to transparency and setting a new standard in gender-related data reporting,” said Peter T. Grauer, Chairman of Bloomberg and Founding Chairman of the U.S. 30% Club. “Even though the threshold for inclusion in the GEI has risen, the member list continues to grow. This is a testament that more companies are working to improve upon their gender-related metrics, fostering more opportunity for diverse talent to succeed in their organizations.”
About the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI):
The 2022 GEI expands globally to represent 45 countries and regions, including firms headquartered in Colombia and Uruguay for the first time. Member companies represent a variety of sectors, including financials, technology and utilities, which collectively have the highest company representation in the index.
Both the survey and the GEI are voluntary and have no associated costs. Bloomberg collected this data for reference purposes only. Those included on this year’s index scored at or above a global threshold established by Bloomberg to reflect disclosure and the achievement or adoption of best-in-class statistics and policies. The index is not ranked. While all public companies are encouraged to disclose supplemental gender data for their company’s investment profile on the Bloomberg Terminal®, those that have a market capitalization of USD 1 billion are eligible for inclusion in the Index.
For more information on the GEI and how to submit information for next year’s index visit: Bloomberg clients can access the GEI at {BGEI Index DES <GO>}.
For more information on Bloomberg’s sustainable finance solutions, including the GEI, please visit:
[1] Each company’s weight in the index is equal to their market capitalization in US dollars multiplied by their overall GEI score
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