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Generative AI
Intelligence Artificielle
March 15, 2023
Director of VINT
Generative models of Artificial Intelligence are being used across industries to huge and varied effects – and as we learnt in our first episode of season 2, sometimes with potentially sinister consequences. But there’s one realm where this kind of AI is broadly positive: healthcare. In medicine and drug discovery, AI is being used to scan huge data sets and even discover new drugs. It’s making the lives of doctors more efficient and even helped out in the fight against Covid. But will this new AI see doctors dependent on it for all diagnoses? Make hypochondriacs of us all? And where is it going next? Welcome to the remarkable world of AI-enabled Healthcare.
Today’s Guests
Deepa Mamtani
Deepa Mamtani leads Sogeti’s AI Centre of Excellence in the Netherlands, and together with her team develops AI solutions using deep neural networks, GANs and computer vision. With a multi-disciplinary consulting background in strategy, analytics and data science, she is passionate about analysing and leveraging data and translating them into strategic outcomes.
Aaron Morris
Aaron Morris is the co-founder and CEO of PostEra, a company building an end-to-end medicinal chemistry platform to advance drug discovery. After working in the financial sector, Aaron saw the limiting nature of drug discovery in biotech companies and pharma, and so set up a company to come in at the early stage of drug discovery and improve efficiency, using AI to do so.
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