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Generative AI
Intelligence Artificielle
October 11, 2022
Director of VINT
As ideas for the metaverse and other online communities and spaces continue to grow and become more developed, it only makes sense that major companies and corporations now want to get in on the act. Of course, everyone has heard of Meta and the billions they have invested, but who else is doing exciting things in this space? What is the benefit of it to corporations in both the IT and non digital sectors? Could these spaces become the best new way for organisations to interact with their consumers? On this episode of Playing with Reality, we explore how companies of all sizes are looking to tap in to this exciting new technology.
Today’s Guests
Joe Pine
Joe is an author and management advisor and the cofounder of Strategic Horizons. He has also been a Visiting Scholar with the MIT Design Lab and a Visiting Professor at the University of Amsterdam. His books include “Infinite possibility” a multiverse taxonomy of reality, and “The Experience Economy”, which shows how goods and services are nice for companies to have, but that the economy nowadays is run by experiences.
Jerry Eitel
Jerry is a Partner Emeritus in the Tax Departments of the accounting group, Prager Metis, where he also serves as the Chief Metaverse Officer for their Metaverse office. With 35 years experience in the accounting profession, Jerry now oversees expansion and planning for Prager Metis’ Metaverse clients, and his responsibilities include managing the organisation of strategic partnerships within the Web3 and metaverse spaces.
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