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Generative AI
Intelligence Artificielle
October 18, 2024
An elastic knowledge graph or a infinite mind map as Jeroen puts it shows the full potential of the digital twin. Ask your question in the context of the twin you are looking at and all the interconnections and relations become visible, hopefully solving your puzzle. Now only to integrate GPT3 natural language interpretation to these digital twin environments and we can just talk to our models to get the info we want.
It is the Matrix all over the place in this episode of the technology labs podcast. Of course we have a set of technology updates at the start of the podcast and in this case it was about:
Meta’s market value plunges by $230 billion in one day
NS en Arriva gaan in- en uitchecken op basis van gps en smartphoneapp testen
Netherlands parliament made new law: mandatory updates for digital products
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