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Generative AI
Intelligence Artificielle
Now that the hype around Generative AI has, according to Gartner, reached ‘the peak of inflated expectations’, it is time to stop focusing on the technology itself (how magical it may seem) and start looking for ‘Real Smart’ applications. The only way to prevent a deep ‘trough of disillusionment’ (or AI-winter) and start the gradual climb towards ‘the plateau of productivity’, we need to apply the technology, creating new business value. To find such applications we need to start with building a thorough understanding of human intelligence and determine where this artificial machine intelligence and creativity can be complimentary. Our goal should not be to mimic or replace human intelligence, but rather augment it. By also taking ‘Nature’s’ astonishing intelligence into account we can start envisioning a new form of combined, regenerative intelligence that will benefit all of humanity.
Why are we all so obsessed with creating an Artificial General Intelligence? Doesn’t our human brain suffice? Why are we trying to build an intelligence that supersedes human intelligence; that is smarter than all of human intelligence? Must have something to do with the realization that our brains have serious shortcomings, for which we would like to find a quick fix. Like a prosthetic for our brains, just like the reading glasses that become so indispensable at a certain age.
Watch the highlights from 2023 event
Margo LengewegExecutive Event Planner, SogetiPhone: +31622546440
Innovation Leader & VP at Capgemini’s Applied Innovation Exchange, San Francisco
Neuroscientist, author, and public speaker
Tenacity Venture Capital
Head of Disruptive R&T, Senior Vice President at Airbus
Leading in times of “Scarcity in Abundance”
Founder/CEO of Chirp (Cilter)
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