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Generative AI
Intelligence Artificielle
July 15, 2021
Banner Health is one of the largest non-profit healthcare systems in the country, committed to ensuring all its locations are safe places for care. Headquartered in Phoenix, Banner Health owns and operates 30 acute-care hospitals and an array of other services, including Banner Imaging, Banner Telehealth, and Banner Urgent Care. Its mission is to make healthcare easier so life can be better.
From building hospitals to new acquisitions, driving growth is important to Banner Health. In addition to expanding its infrastructure, it also recognizes the need to grow digitally. For the past three years, it focused on a digital front-door project. Much like the front door of a hospital, Banner Health created a great digital patient experience. From online scheduling to finding urgent care, digital solutions made it easy for patients to access everything they needed.
The next goal was to create digital access channels so patients could click in, walk in, or call in and have an equally seamless and engaged experience.
Client: Banner Health
Region: United States
Industry: Non-profit Healthcare
Offer: Modern apps
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