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Generative AI
Intelligence Artificielle
February 03, 2021
Sogeti’s initial task was to take INOWAI through the cloud journey to ultimately move them from a fully on-premises landscape to a fully public cloud platform built on Microsoft Azure and Office 365. This complex project resulted in Sogeti advising INOWAI to migrate in two phases: first using a hybrid on-premises/cloud environment and next fully migrating to cloud.
The migration was completed in under four months. That’s not all. As part of the transformation, INOWAI worked with Sogeti to implement a new cloud based DMS to drive efficiency in its document sorting and management.
The success and speed of the migration led to the project scope being further extended. INOWAI wanted to equip its entire workforce with mobile computing capability, moving all its on-premises workstations from thin client to a combination of Microsoft Surface Pro devices and Lenovo notebooks.
The Microsoft Surface Pro devices and Lenovo notebooks – equipped with Intel 8th Generation processors – have a reputation for both power and security. INOWAI’s employees are now information-rich when they are out of the office. Easy remote access to INOWAI’s data stored in the cloud gives them the freedom to work from anywhere, anytime, keeping them productive and satisfied with their new versatile workplace tool.
For INOWAI, as one of the first companies in Luxembourg to host all its IT in the public cloud, the end-to-end migration to Microsoft Azure has made it future ready for a digitalized world of capabilities and opportunities including:
Listen to Jean-Nicolas Montrieux, COO & Partner at INOWAI explain the challenges INOWAI faced and how, working in collaboration with Sogeti, they migrated successfully to the cloud.
Client: INOWAI
Region: Luxembourg
Industry: Commercial and residential real estate
Offer: Cloud
1 PDF (316 KB)
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