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Generative AI
Intelligence Artificielle
October 22, 2024
Welcome to the 16th annual edition of the World Quality Report, Sogeti and Capgemini’s must-read source for insights on all things related to quality and testing, with our strategic technology partner OpenText.
For the past 16 years, the World Quality Report has been addressing and analyzing the most important trends and developments in Quality Engineering and Testing across 3 dimensions – Technology & Practices, Industries and Geographies.
This year’s theme highlights exciting new futures powered by technology advancements like Gen AI, automation, and human-in-the-loop systems. These aren’t merely tools—they are partners in the testing process, pushing the limits of what’s possible in Quality Engineering. In focus emphasizes that while the possibilities are immense, maintaining clarity is key.
For more on the regional developments from this global study, download e-copies of the regional pull-outs below.
Thank you for your interest, please check your inbox for the copy of the World Quality Report 24-25
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Global Leader Quality Engineering & Testing, Sogeti
Vice President, Head of Quality Engineering & Testing, Sogeti and Capgemini, North America
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