Techflix 2

Sogeti TECHFLIX Saison 2

Business as </un>usual

TECHFLIX est une série d'épisodes centrés autour de la technologie, visant à explorer les pistes pour mener un "business as </un>usual" dans la période actuelle - à laquelle nous vous invitons à vous joindre. 

Mettant en vedette notre Global CTO, nos experts, nos partenaires et nos clients, au travers de 14 épisodes en direct répartis en six séries, la saison 2 de Sogeti TECHFLIX sera axée sur le business dans le contexte du nouveau "</un>normal". Rejoignez-nous pour débattre sur la manière de tirer le meilleur parti du cloud et de stimuler la productivité au sein des environnements de travail moderne, sur ce qu'il faut pour réussir son passage DevOps à l'échelle et sur la manière dont vous pourriez bénéficier des bots-as-a-service.


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TEchflix 2 Series 1

Series 1: Reshape your business... Is your business digitally unlocking productivity & agility?

In this opening series of TECHFLIX Season 2, we lift the lid on what it takes to become a Digital First business – and why it matters. We look at the Microsoft tools that can help you reshape your business to ensure survival now and long into the future.

TEchflix 2 Series 2

Series 2: Cloud Uncovered

Is your organization getting true value from its investment in cloud? Our Cloud Uncovered series in TECHFLIX Season 2 looks at ways to ensure you’re not wasting money, resources, and energy as you consume cloud services. It argues that without automated solution delivery you may risk your business survival.

Techflix 2 Series 3

Series 3: Velocity meets quality – Achieving Agile orchestration & intelligent test automation

How fast can you respond to customer demand? This series explores how Agile and DevOps approaches drive faster release velocity and assesses the impact on your Quality Assurance of SAP’s move to replace its ERP solutions with cloud-based applications. 

Techflix 2 Series 4

Series 4: Sign of the times – Provide better business value with performance engineering & security agility

From an agile Security Operations Center (SOC) to performance engineering designed to make your applications work harder and better, this series looks at how to detect and mitigate security risks despite the huge volume of threats and  how to protect your reputation.

Techflix 2 Series 5

Series 5: The Automation Game – Where will bots and intelligent automation take your business?

Discover the truth about modern bots and AI and how they’re more human-like than you might think. We’ll also ask whether cognitive documentation can give you the lifeline you need if you’re drowning in a sea of documentation and data.

Techflix 2 Series 6

Series 6: How to be a disruptor – Innovate at the speed of technological change

Can you really have a natural conversation with your computer? Or tap into customer emotions by experimenting with game-changing innovations at speed? Innovators can. This series places the customer at the heart of our innovation accelerator, the Sogeti Thinkubator. 



Our experts:


Michiel Boreel
Michiel Boreel
Group Chief Technology Officer of Sogeti
Mark Buenen
Mark Buenen
Global leader Quality Engineering & Quality Engineering, Sogeti
Jorik Abspoel
Jorik Abspoel
VP & Global Head of Digital, Sogeti
Anne Christine Knudsen
Anne Christine Knudsen
Agile transformation coach, Sogeti
Balaji Rajagopalan
Balaji Rajagopalan
Global Lead Automation & AI, Sogeti
Joleen van der Zwan
Joleen van der Zwan
Global Community Manager, Sogeti
Frederic Cruchet
Frederic Cruchet
VP & Global Head of Cloud Services, Sogeti
Jayanto Mukherjee
Jayanto Mukherjee
VP & Head of Cloud Delivery, Sogeti
Stefan Gerstner
Stefan Gerstner
VP Quality Engineering & Testing, Sogeti
Antoine Aymer
Antoine Aymer
Global Strategic Portfolio Director for Testing, Sogeti
Thomas Sondag
Thomas Sondag
SOC Technical Manager, Sogeti
Jean-Marc Bianchini
Jean-Marc Bianchini
Global Head of Cybersecurity, Sogeti
Paul Verhaar
Paul Verhaar
Lead Data Scientist, Sogeti
Arun Sahu
Arun Sahu
Manager AI & Machine Learning, Sogeti
Rohit Chandra
Rohit Chandra
Service Manager, Sogeti
Daniel Laskewitz
Daniel Laskewitz
Power Platform Lead, Sogeti